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Springbreak | Also for our four legged friends

Bleeckers Correspondent • Apr 02, 2023

Traveling with your doggo is a great way to enjoy a vacation with your four-legged best friend. But finding a dog-friendly hotel can be a challenge we know at Bleeckers Choice. Not all hotels allow pets, and those that do may have restrictions on size, breed, and other factors. But hey! Fortunately, there are plenty of hotels that welcome dogs and make it easy for you to enjoy a stress-free short-break with your dog. 

When looking for a dog-friendly hotel, it’s important to consider the amenities offered. Many hotels offer special services and amenities for pet owners, such as pet beds, food and water bowls, treats, and even dog-walking services. Some hotels even provide pet-sitting services or have designated pet-friendly areas.  It’s also important to read the pet policies of the hotel before booking. Most hotels will require a pet fee and may have restrictions on the size and breed of your pet. It’s also a good idea to call ahead and check with the hotel to make sure they are pet-friendly and that they have all the amenities you need for your pup. 

Finally, very important, don’t forget to research local dog-friendly attractions and restaurants in the area. Many cities and towns have pet-friendly parks, beaches, and trails where you can take your dog for a walk or a swim. And many restaurants will offer both indoor and outdoor seating for the both of you to enjoy a meal together. Times are definitely changing!

With a bit of research and planning, you can find a dog-friendly hotel that will make your vacation a truly memorable one.

Check-out the dog-friendly hotel options from our partner

Looking for something really out of the ordinary? Check out the accommodations from our partner Vipio!

by Onze Youtube kijker 11 Aug, 2023
A post in Dutch on recue dogs and a good cause: Stichting Dierenlot. Wereldwijd zijn er meer dan 600 miljoen huisdieren zonder veilig huis. In Nederland hebben we gelukkig geen zwerfhonden zoals we dat allemaal wel gezien hebben in de landen rondom de Middellandse Zee (wist je trouwens dat onze Bleecker zelf ook een rescue dog is, als puppie door het dierenasiel in Overijssel uit Spanje naar Nederland gehaald). Maar het aantal zwerfkatten neemt nog elk jaar toe en nog steeds worden regelmatig huisdieren achtergelaten. Eigenlijk zijn we zeker dat rond de zomervakantie er toch ook nog steeds honden worden achtergelaten in de bossen, zeker nu het zo lastig is om een plekje te vinden in goede dierenhotels... Purina is gestart met een serie PETtalks, en deze keer is dat in samenwerking met Stichting Dierenlot, een Goed Doel dat de volledige support krijgt van Bleecker's Choice! De vraag die centraal staat in deze video is: welke verantwoordelijkheid hebben we als samenleving voor het tegengaan van zwerfhuisdieren en wat kunnen wij doen voor deze zwerfkatten? Te gast is Daniëlla van Gennep van Stichting Dierenlot, waar Purina al enkele jaren mee samenwerkt. Kijk hier naar de #PETTalk. Als echte hondenvriend ga je dit zeker interessant vinden. En mocht je de producten van Purina willen bestellen, dat kan hier tegen zeer redelijke prijzen . Online medische dierenhulp nodig? . 5% discount als je je inschrijft voor hun nieuwsbrief.
#paulcroes #dogphotography #bleeckerschoice
by Bleecker's Correspondent 02 May, 2023
Did you realise bigger is not always better when it comes to medical support? Be alert. The growing influence of private equity in the veterinary care market has led lately to more transactions than ever. The impact of these investments on a veterinary practice can have both advantages and disadvantages for dog-owners as well as for our four-legged friends and their treatments. On the upside! Advantages include improved financial stability, as investors can provide capital injections and enhance operational efficiency. They can also bring in additional professional management and expertise. This can result in upgraded facilities, advanced equipment, and a wider range of services for dog owners. Less nice… However, there are also potential disadvantages Bleecker’s Choices wants to point out for you. Investors often prioritize high returns, which can lead to increased costs for veterinary services and a shift in focus towards profitability rather than the welfare for our pets. There may be changes in business operations and protocols, potentially affecting the personal attention given to our pooches and you as an owner. Furthermore, there can be uncertainty about the long-term strategy of the practice due to the investor's exit strategy, which may result in frequent changes in ownership, staffing and management. As proud and loving dog owners, we may experience benefits such as improved facilities and access to expertise, but we may also face higher costs and a potential decrease in personal attention. It is important to monitor any changes closely and communicate with the vets and staff to ensure the quality of care for your pet remains optimal! Photocredit Paul Croes. Instagram . Bleecker's Choice noticed that many of the intrinsically animal-friendly veterinarians recommend Hill's Science pet food . Not the cheapest, but true quality. Sold here at reasonable prices . For Dutch Bleecker's Choice followers, this is a reliable address for online care: . 5% discount when you subscribe to their newsletter.
by Bleecker's fashionista 18 Dec, 2022
Yes, it's true. Fashion x Dogs is a mega trend winter 22-23. But does that mean that your pooch should be dressed up like Rudolph or a blingbling extension from his/her owner? We're not too sure here... Bleecker's Choice thinks that we, as responsible owners, decided to have a four-legged friend, not a fashion statement. But, as owners with great taste and loving the good life, we want the best for all of us. Oh yeah! And so did Hedi Slimane. Celine’s dog accessories are inspired by Hedi Slimane’s own canine companion. A new collection from Celine combines the house’s mastery of leather work with the necessities of dog ownership – from leashes to dog bowls – captured in a Hedi Slimane-shot campaign starring the creative director’s pet dog, Elvis. Image credit Celine press Check this out: Celine Dog Collection Looking for great gifts but slightly more affordable? Here is our online partnershop 
by Green Paws 18 Nov, 2022
Bleecker's Choice is getting serious again, a good life for your furry friends in a healthy world is important, don't you think?! Let's share a recent insight on dog food with you. And feel free to get in touch if you need advise on dry pet food brands in your country. Food production is responsible for almost one-quarter of the environmental impact and, therefore, its importance regarding sustainability should not be overlooked. The pet population is growing, and an important part of pet food is composed of ingredients that have a high environmental impact. A Brazilian study aimed to evaluate the impact of dry, wet, and homemade pet diets on greenhouse gas emission, land use, acidifying emission, freshwater withdrawals, and stress-weighted water use. The wet diets were responsible for the highest impact, and dry diets were the type of diet that least impacted the environment, with a positive correlation between the metabolisable energy provided by animal ingredients and the environmental impact. Read more about the study: 
by Bleecker's correspondent 07 Oct, 2022
This blog is in Dutch, but to be frank, the picture says it all... House of Animals can use every bit of support: please donate . Duizenden dieren in Oekraïne verkeren nog steeds in levensgevaar... 140.000 dieren riskeren nu de winter er aan komt al helemaal een hongerdood. De Oekraïense partner UPAW heeft op dit moment noodaanvragen voor meer dan 140.000 dieren. Vooral in de oostelijke en zuidelijke regio’s zijn er asielen die zonder water en elektriciteit zitten. Het voer is op, niet te verkrijgen of er is geen geld om voor zichzelf en de dieren te zorgen. De situatie is op veel plaatsen schrijnend. Daarom is onze noodhulp nu belangrijker dan ooit.
by Bleeckers Citytripper 02 Aug, 2022
Walking into this breathtaking Berlin hotel, your blogger was 100% sure this was not for the pooches, big or small. Too serene, too fragile, too everything not for dogs. But hey, here is the catch. The four legged friend is as much welcome as any other guest. They just need to behave, just like humans do. Berlin offers a lot of amazing places, but this hotel is an out of the world experience. In the middle of the Buzz there is silence and beauty and true hospitality. Read about the project and its owners here , and this is where you can click to secure a room .
by Bleeckers roving reporter 18 Mar, 2022
No clue if our four legged friends really taste the difference; they definitely won't see it . But is does feel good buying this doggy "busy day" bar in a local petshop. Lovely package design, good corporate story: it was an easy and quick purchase. Edgar and Cooper have clever humans...* Fresh food is good food. Because we pack our recipes with the best ingredients, they’re the perfect choice for every dog, every day. Just make sure you watch those calories with these tempting bars. For more info, check them out here . * And nope, Bleecker's Choice was not paid for this post, they sniffed it themeselves and liked it.
by Bleecker's Bookspotter 07 Feb, 2022
Yes, it's time to move forward again; after almost two years walking the dog in your own 'hood', let's go, woof! From sprawling parks and stylish shops to sumptuous hotel suites and canine-friendly cafés, the humans @ Hoxton mini Press sniffed out all of London and New York’s best spots to explore with your pup. Whether you’re visiting the cities or already live in one of them, discover how much more fun you can have when your four-legged friend takes the lead. Buy directly on the Hoxton Mini Press website and get 10% discount. Check out their website here. And don't forget to have a close look the images, it all starts with armchair travelling... 'Dog friendly London' Photography by Lesley Lau, Dunja Opalko and Ariana Ruth. 'Dog-Friendly New York'. Photography by Winnie Au. All illustrations by Pauline Cremer.
by Bleecker's newsspotter 10 Sept, 2021
Je denkt er nooit aan, je wil er nooit aan denken, onze trouwe viervoeters worden niet ziek en krijgen gewoon geen ongeluk. Het zijn onze beste maatjes, tot het een keer helaas helaas toch anders loopt. En dan is het toch fijn als je je zaakjes verzekerd hebt, zeker als je in het weekend of 's avonds hulp nodig hebt. Bleecker's Choice weet uit eigen ervaring dat uiteindelijk verzekeren loont en minder stress geeft... Jouw plezier, samen goed verzekerd. Bijvoorbeeld bij PetSecure, het plan dat je hond zelf niet kan maken. Voor zorgeloos meer plezier met je hond. Lage premies, complete dekking, en vooral geen gedoe. Maar ook Inshared of zelfs de HEMA hebben oog voor dieren en speciale verzekeringen. Just do it, je slaapt er zelf rustiger door. Thuis, als je viervoeter uit logeren is of als jullie samen op vakantie zijn. Kijk hier voor een offerte op maat of een van de basispakketten van PetSecure.
by Bleecker's Choice hotelblogger 14 May, 2021
Yep, we spotted it, dog friendly to the next level*. At Virgin Hotels in de US they are fans of the fuzz, and think traveling with pets should be just as fun for our pooches as it is for us. So, whats in it for fuzzy ? A pet-friendly chamber with a dog bed as comfortable as your human’s, food and water dish . . . and some treats, of course. And as an extra plus a bespoke Virgin Hotels bandana for the stylish among us. That’s why pets stay free with no size or breed restrictions. They even made a super cool review video from our pooches perspective. How funny is that, it makes us happy, check it out here: Pet review video . When browsing from the US, book here your dog-friendly Dalles Virgin chambers and comfy pet-menities as cozy as your own. Europe bound for now? Combine beach and excellent food in Schoorl, Hotel Merlet knows how to spoil you and your pet. * We at BC are not too sure about dogs in hotel beds, especially as we always bring our own or the hotel provides one, but the picture above suits the fuzzy Virgin pet-friendly proposition and yep, it made us feel good :).
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